Sunday, March 22, 2009

Drawing of the Three; part 1

There haven't been any sklogs lately or even updates to this ancillary author's notes kind of half-arsed blog because the hagenart staff has been in a kind of mid-life crisis which consists of being overcome with angst about the inevitability of death and the decline of American values. I've also come to recognize that all effort is futile and that all those people that maintain real blogs with all those posts and research and blogosphere concerns are almost certainly mentally ill and should qualify for state assistance. It's just too much work, and seriously, for what? I myself only read comic books now. So I've decided that from this entry on this blog will be dedicated to a serious purpose, not just random nonsense. The serious purpose will either be a daily log of my experiences as a parent or a kind of home fixer upper type journal of my planned renovation/development of my backyard and crawlspace.
Another idea just hit me: the world's longest novel! I'll have to find out what the current record holder is..Since all three ideas are very good ones, I've decided to alternate the entries between the three themes until one wins out by popular vote or if I get tired of the other ideas.