Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fighting the Flob with Larger Descriptive Text

Okay, still too small, but a little larger. I think I can make out some individual words. I drew this while sitting at my booth at the Farmer's Market, watching customers swarm over my neighbor Jim's booth. At this point in my artistic development I draw people in red and things in blue, a technique I invented in an effort to understand movement and anticipate sneak attacks. I will teach proper use of this technique to anyone for a modest fee.

x o xx

Moving the Sklog

This week's sklog looks horrible in this format, but I'm not to blame - total incompetence at text-based formatting, if those are the right words, and they're probably not, but I'm not to blame - total incompetence at text-based composition. I could go on and on. I'm moving the sklog to a more formal blog-type format, and this is where I've begun, with the sklog for 9-23-07, a diatribe against something-something in the something-something.

Usually the words in the image would be legible, or somewhat legible, or at least bigger, but I was worried that if I put the full sklog image up it would be too big for the descriptive text, even though the sklog itself contains descriptive text which itself has turned out to be too small. So basically, this first post has turned into a ruthless struggle between the descriptive text within the sklog image and the descriptive text in the blog format, and at this point the descriptive text in the flob, by which I mean blog format, towers over the descriptive text in the sklog, which I will re-post in larger format.
