Actually I don't know how to embed or place picture files, or graphic files, in blog posts. I know how to upload picture files to the blog, and I think I know how to insert a picture file, but the picture never goes where I want it to go, so if Mr Sea Anemone did not appear at the end of the colon...
Of course I was about to make a funny pun, and those of you familiar with the sophisticated verbal gymnastics of punning will no doubt be in the middle of or recently finished with a resounding bray of guffaws that erupted from somewhere inside you (don't read this in a car) the moment your eyes scanned the word 'colon', and you've been momentarily unable to continue reading for a few precious moments. Don't worry, you've missed nothing but the literary equivalent of one of those smug post zinger smiles that have made it very difficult for many people to enjoy live comedy.
Here's another portrait. I call it Mr Bunny Man:
Usually the pictures in my posts don't make an appearance until the bottom of the page, all in a row that takes forever to download because I don't know basic internet file management principles. I think more tech savvy people use imgur or Instagram which I intend to learn how to use after I've thought about it for a while, by which I mean thinking about the decision whether to begin to learn how to use them, I don't want to leap ahead and just decide to begin to learn how to use them on a whim, when free time is at a premium.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone