Sunday, November 25, 2007

Stunning progress on the Novel

I've decided that to justify the expense of maintaining this state of the art blog for my mother and a couple of other readers I should probably use it for something besides its primary function as extra explanatory text for the Hagenart sklog.
So I've decided to start posting self-congratulatory notes to myself whenever I find time to work on My Novel, the noble and majestic tome the conception and creation of which has consumed the better part of my life and which after numerous re-writes and deletions and inevitable memory losses contained before tonight just over 2400 words.
But I toiled over it like a machine today, stretching it out to just over 4100 words in one day (pant pant, gag, retch, spit, blink uncomprehendingly at appalled onlookers)!
About 1800 of those words, written on previous occasions under the influence of far less inspiration than tonight, will have to be deleted, but oh the survivors are looking perky and well indeed! Vibrant and healthy and fit, the words I'll have left after the necessary extinctions will be the Times New Roman version of phytoplankton, ready to teem!
On a slightly negative note: I may have to find a new writing spot. Keep getting bugged while I try to write.

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