Monday, February 13, 2017

Failure Releases us to Dream

I've long longed to move this blog from text and occasional pictures from the sketchbooks into a full web comic, because I have given up on ever creating great or even mediocre art, and I don't like putting descriptive details in my creative writing, which you absolutely have to do to write a compelling story. I personally find descriptive details boring and I think everyone does, but even as I skim the paragraphs describing a room and the person sleeping in the room and the colors and the cat and the shadows on the wall, the half-read paragraph has convinced another more primitive part of my mind to believe in the story. So you have to do it and I don't do it because angry ashamed mumble. 

So I logically decided that if I did comics, I could still draw and wouldn't have to draw well, and I could write and wouldn't have to write the details, and I wouldn't have to write the quotation marks and come up with different ways to say "he said."  Which I find maddening to do even though as a reader I don't even see them or care. 

I have not made the full move to web comic mainly because when I try to draw a few comic panels I begin to over obsess about the memory available on my phone because I don't like to ever delete work in progress because I think I could find a use later and so I horde the half finished pictures and obsess about disk space and so I don't want to start a new picture and run out of space.  And I like to draw pictures by hand with ballpoint pens that take weeks and I prefer to write without using quotation marks or descriptive details. So it will never happen. I am inspired to do a comic:

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